
The church I serve has a wonderful day school and today is the last day of class. There are people and parties everywhere!!! Of course, today is the day a cute little skunk decided to wander around the campus courtyard. And while everyone of God’s children is welcome in this church, some of God’s critters are, at times, less welcome than others. Luckily, our little black and white air un-freshener decided to stay hidden amid the hubbub!!  This poem is dedicated to our little smelly friend!!!



Your shiny fur coat


I get that you are amazing,

made to withstand

any foe.

But seriously,

would you want you around?

Your little waddle

is endearing.

And that bright white

stripe is quite fetching

in its own unique way.

But the unpleasant air

surrounding you

when you are on edge

is just too much.

I’m sorry.

You have to leave.

This painful putridity

has brought me to tears.

I am sorry to say this,

but you are


25 May 2017

An Easter Manifesto 2017

We are still in the Easter season so I thought it was fine to share my Easter sermon/poem.  Here is a bit of a reminder to continue to look to new life.  Inspired by Wendel Berry’s wonderful poem!


So, friends, every day do something

that won’t compute. Love the Lord.

Love the world. Work for nothing.

Take all that you have and be poor.

Love someone who does not deserve it…

…Practice resurrection.

(Wendel Berry; “Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front” from The Country of Marriage, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 1973)


An Easter Manifesto

Come out! Come out of your hiding places!

Everything has changed beyond our sight,

shaken open by God’s powerful Love

which cannot die, cannot be stopped.

The Tomb of Jesus is empty! He is

not there! He is Risen! Alleluia!

Open your eyes, dry the tears

Jesus lives. His face shining brightly

in the lives of friend and stranger alike.

Love your friends and love others knowing

that you are loving the Living Jesus in them.

Open your hands to be filled for sharing

what you have with others. Reach out

with compassion to those in need, feed them

as you have been fed. Hold hands and pray.

Open your heart to feel God’s deep love.

Feel joy in human connection and spiritual

experiences. Let love overflow like rivers leaving

their banks with power to change the landscape.

Open your life to the abundance of God’s gifts

for you. Step out with truth to speak Love in the world;

to undam to the waters of justice; to give life.

Live resurrection

in all you do today. The power of fear is ended.

Take resurrection

wherever you go today. Walls fall before God’s love.

Speak resurrection

in every word you utter today. The Enemy is silenced

and God’s WORD bursts in colorful blossom

from the barrenness of dead wood and cold stone.

So come out! Come out of your hiding places!

Everything has changed beyond our sight,

shaken open by God’s powerful Love

which cannot die, cannot be stopped.

The Tomb of Jesus is empty! He is

not there! He is Risen! Alleluia!

Waking up

Waking up


Body stiff



Through life’s


It’s not easy


It wasn’t

Remembering now

What I forgot

Hit my knees

And pray

God, please light

My path.

Reveal your will

For this day.

Let your Spirit

Fill me,

Like slow-brewing

Coffee, with the

Aroma of your




21 May 2017